Why would the least cyclical sectors healthcare, staples and utilities lead the markets in a year in which unemployment plummeted and GDP growth gained momentum? 2014年,美国失业率大幅下降,GDP呈增长势头,为何领跑市场的却是医疗保健、必需消费品、公用事业等周期性最不明显的行业?
Spending has a cyclical component because of the cost of unemployment benefit as well as the use of deliberate Keynesian stimulus. 由于失业救济的成本和刻意推行凯恩斯主义刺激政策,支出具有周期性的要素。
Of this, standard economic calculations suggest that about 8 per cent can be regarded as cyclical, resulting from the decline in the unemployment rate. 标准的经济核算表明,其中大约8%可视为周期性增长,源于失业率的下降。
A short-term cyclical unemployment insurance system, covering, say, the first six months of unemployment, would help stabilise the eurozone economy after a sudden asymmetric shock. 建立一个覆盖失业最初6个月的短期周期性失业保险体系,将有助于欧元区在遭遇突发性不对称冲击后稳定经济。
Generally, economists divide it into four types. They are frictional unemployment, structural unemployment, cyclical unemployment and seasonal unemployment. 通常,经济学家把它分为摩擦性失业、结构性失业、周期性失业和季节性失业几种类型。
American federal government made a lot of efforts to conquer the difficulty of cyclical unemployment and inflation. 美国政府对此做了很多努力,试图解决大规模的周期性失业和通货膨胀问题。
The number of University graduates reached 630 million in 2010.Because of cyclical unemployment and structural unemployment caused by the financial crisis, along with the previous graduates not in employment, have become increasingly prominent matter. Solving the difficult problem of graduate employment become the most urgent thing. 2010年大学毕业生达到630万人,而金融危机引起的周期性失业和结构性失业问题日益突出,再加上未实现就业的往届毕业生,解决大学生就业难的问题迫在眉睫。
Also by following this approach, this paper analyzes the influence of consumption and investment on the supply and demand of labor forces and the role of Residents 'Consumption in eradicating cyclical unemployment, ensuring full employment and alleviating the structural unemployment. 本文同样按照这一思路分析了消费、投资对劳动力供需的影响,以此推论居民消费对消除周期性失业,实现充分就业的作用,以及居民消费对缓解结构性失业的作用。